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B'siyata d'shmaya - With the help of Heaven


Rabbi Meir Kahane zs"l hy"d


November 5, 1990 was the start of WWIII: Islam vs. the world. (Kahane to 9/11)


Rabbi Kahane, patriot of Israel, defender of Erets Yisrael, was assasinated by an Arab on November 5, 1990 / 18th of Marheshvan 5750 after giving a speech in New York City. His son and daughter-in-law were later murdered in Erets Yisrael in 2000, by Arabian terrorists. Rabbi Kahane was elected to Knesset in 1984. He headed the quickest growing party in Israel's history. Polls predicted him receiving as many as 12 seats in the 1988 elections. If he would not have been banned from participating in the elections he would have turned in to the third largest party in Israel, on the way to becoming its next Prime Minister. Likud and Labor joined together and banned Kahane from the 1988 elections. Two years later, he was murdered. Never in Israel's history was there a bigger funeral. Never before did so many different types of Jews stand side by side together. All of the enemies of Israel celebrated his death

If You Ever Read One Paper on Rabbi Kahane, this is it. (On the 13th Anniversary of his murder)

What Makes Bernie Run?"The Assimilation of the American Jew" (A POWERFUL ARTICLE!!)

"And Thou Shalt Love..."- 6 Sivan 5722 - June 8, 1962 Article

"A Mezuza" - I I Kislev 5733 - November 17, 1972 Article

"It Cannot Continue..." - 14 Iyar 5739 - May 11, 1979 Article

Rare Photos of Rabbi Meir Kahane