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NYC Drops its Guard Against Hostile Vehicle Attacks

Restaurant Patrons Risk Injury and Death as the City and Restaurant Owners
 are Opened up to Massive Potential Liability


by Shelomo Alfassa, MPA

July 7, 2020

Photos & Video below

People are congregating, businesses are reopening, and outdoor seating seems to be the way New York City restaurants have compromised to make this happen. Yet, these temporary measures have introduced a profoundly serious risk that must be considered—pedestrians being at risk of being victim to an intentional or unintentional vehicle collision.


The ‘Hostile Vehicle Attack’ has been a standard offensive tactic of terrorists for the past several years. This attack is easy to pull off, instills a heavy footprint of fear in those who witness it or hear about it, and it is effectively lethal. Such attacks have happened at street fairs, bus stops, restaurants, holiday markets and other locations. The standard to protect pedestrians is the use of high-strength crash-rated steel bollards. Bollards are so important for modern perimeter security that a New York City Councilman introduced legislation to protect pedestrians waiting in the city’s 10,000 bus stops with steel bollards. Those bus stops are on the sidewalk—but now, due to COVID social distancing, NYC is allowing citizens to eat outside both on the sidewalk and in the streets at unprotected restaurant tables.

"NYC is allowing citizens to eat outside both on the
idewalk and in the streets at unprotected restaurant tables."


Over the last  few years, ramming attacks have been ever-increasing. Some of the notable incidents include a man who drove a van through the streets of Barcelona killing 13 and injuring 130. In Melbourne a driver deliberately crashed his car into a group of pedestrians on a sidewalk injuring over a dozen. In North Carolina a man drove a car into a restaurant killing people. In New York City a man drove a car at a high rate of speed across sidewalks in Times Square injuring 20 and ending the life of 1 person. Then, several months later, a man driving a truck murdered 8 people by driving on a Manhattan pedestrian and bicycle path.


The two latter events were a catalyst for New York City to harden areas where the public was vulnerable to attack from a hostile vehicle. Since those NYC attacks, the city has spent between $50-$70 million dollars on hardening targets such as popular pedestrian plazas and certain streets using steel perimeter security bollards. Today, everything has changed as a result of the COVID Pandemic, and now NYC is allowing restaurants which had been shuttered for months, to open, and serve food to people who are sitting at tables and chairs on busy sidewalks and streets.


Steel anti-ram bollards keep vehicles at bay, no matter the intent of the driver. They halt vehicles from entering prohibited areas, their purpose is to protect pedestrians, property, and structures. NYC addresses such vulnerabilities  through their ‘Security Infrastructure Working Group’ which is comprised of the Mayor’s Office, New York Police Department, Department of Transportation, and several other participating agencies. However, since the recent reopening of the businesses, NYC has seemly dropped all concern for public safety and has allowed restaurants to place pedestrians in the streets with no physical protection—not even the ‘protection’ of the 6-inch sidewalk curb.


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has warned about attacks against pedestrians, indicating terrorist groups will likely continue to encourage “unsophisticated tactics such as vehicle-ramming” since these types of attacks are difficult to prevent and “could inflict mass casualties if successful.” Those same eyes on America’s streets—eyes of the adversary, are still out there. If a bad actor wanted to strike and hurt innocent Americans, there would be nothing to stop them. It is important that cities which are reopening, even in staggered stages, be cognizant of where they put the public, both figuratively and literally.


NYC abides by the New York State ‘Interim Guidance for Outdoor and Take-Out/Delivery Food Services’  (issued June 26, 2020). This allows restaurants to serve food to people only outside, but it is not overly specific on what “outside” means. However, New York State Executive Order No. 202.38 (issued June 6, 2020) allows for sidewalk dining, and for dining in the street if it is a “closed street.” Yet, NYC has dining occurring on multiple open streets, adjacent to vehicle traffic where there is seemly no enforcement of the “closed street” rule issued by the Governor.

"NYC has dining occurring on multiple open
streets, adjacent to vehicle traffic..."


A municipality legally allowing business owners to seat patrons at tables in an active roadway is absorbing a massive tort risk for that government. Such potential liability should be mitigated, and fully addressed. Moreover, if a City government knows that the State prohibits an activity—and yet allows it due to ignorance or any other reason, it may be held accountable in a court of law. At a minimum, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommends steel barriers or bollards for all street closings where pedestrians are permitted to gather. Yet, in this case the streets are not closed, and people are seated at unprotected tables in the street.


Further, for the business owner, it is a liability of high magnitude as well as an OSHA workplace safety concern for employers—a legitimate business concern. Case law well establishes that restaurant patrons that are hurt inside or immediately around a restaurant due to a dangerous condition can legally hold the restaurant liable for injuries. One hostile vehicle into a restaurant’s temporary operations in the street, can lead to numerous wrongful death and personal injury suits, medical claims, pain and suffering, etc., for all patrons; just imagine the breach of duty claim for creating a safe environment for patrons, when those patrons were placed by the restaurant to dine in the street in unprotected seating areas.


In the event of an injurious incident, the catalyst won’t matter if it was an intentional attack, or perhaps an infirm person who has an unexpected medical episode behind the wheel. The public who are currently being exposed to streets and areas where vehicles travel will be in a position to initiate litigation against all parties who placed them and/or allowed them to be there. Without a doubt, COVID restrictions and precautions have devastated the economy, and businesses need to be reopened. Still, focus should be placed on reopening along with proper risk assessment and safety considerations.


Postscript (added 12 July 2020) - Several vehicles have since crashed into these above described seating areas causing several casualties, some which were severe.

Manhattan streets the week of June 22-26, 2020

Photos & Video exclusive and courtesy of FNTV (FreedomNews.TV) G. Dano & @ScootercasterNY

Shelomo Alfassa, MPA, is a homeland security analyst and a Certified Emergency and Disaster Professional who focuses on hostile vehicle attacks and perimeter security. He recently spoke on mitigating tort liability in a hostile vehicle threat paradigm at the International Security Conference (ISC) held at the Javits Center. He’s a vetted member of the ‘First Responders Group’ (FRG) of the US Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology Directorate and a member of the FBI InfraGard program in NYC.

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